OLD Downloads

Hognose postcard_revised 2020Trees beyond Goderich reports

Trees Beyond Goderich: Throughout 2013, the Huron Stewardship Council (HSC) and County of Huron partnered on a research project to study aspects of rural and urban woodlot restoration. Study sites were in areas of Huron County damaged by the 2011 tornado. Funding from the Canadian Tree Fund was essential for fulfilling these efforts. You’ll read in the following report that we have observed some interesting trends in our initial year of study. Subsequent years of data collection is pertinent to fully answer our research objectives. We hope that we will have the opportunity in the future to do further work with support from the Canadian Tree Fund. Read the full Trees Beyond Goderich Report, the reTREEt Report, and about this project in the media.


Queensnake stewardship guide

A Queensnake recovery project was initiated in Huron County in 2011. The harmless and endangered Queensnake is one of the rarest reptile species in the province, and is up to us to help reverse its decline. Collective stewardship improves our watersheds by restoring natural habitats, which are important for healthy ecosystems. A healthy environment is beneficial for long-term human, animal, and plant health, for the community and the economy. By practicing stewardship, you too can protect the Queensnake. There are several stewardship activities included in this guide that could help prevent the loss of this endangered species. Read about Queensnake biology, threats, and what you can do to help in our Queensnake Stewardship Guide.



spring 2019 NEWSLETTER


Starting in 2018, Huron Stewardship Council has been working to learn more about the Threatened Eastern Hog-nosed snakes near Goderich, in collaboration with Laurentian University. The main goals of the project are to identify the threats to Eastern Hog-nosed Snakes and their habitat, to determine the size of the population, and to better understand habitat use and movement of these snakes. These efforts will assist with recovery and protection of the species and their habitat. Download a newsletter about our first field season in 2018.



Sustainable Management of Private Woodlands Report


George-Barrie-2010 George-Barrie-2006

Russ-Horning-2012 Russ-Horning-2010

Foote-2012 David-Foote-2010


Murray-Scott-2010 Murray-Scott-2012





Hognose brochure