Landowner Stewardship Guides

The overriding goal of these Guides is to protect and enhance the quality of our natural environment – including our groundwater and surface water (such as streams, rivers, ravines, creeks, wetlands and lakes), as well as the natural landscape features that support these ecosystems. By protecting our water, you are not only conserving our natural and cultural heritage but also protecting the legacy of Ontario’s clean water for future generations. By protecting the natural environment, you are also protecting your investment as a property owner or resident in this landscape. Being a land steward and working with the environment will save you time, money and frustration.

A Stewardship Guide to the Lake Huron Coastline

This guide targets non-farm residents, cottagers and property owners along the Canadian shore of Lake Huron from Tobermory in the north to Sarnia in the south. The guide is available by attending a workshop. To find out about upcoming workshops contact Hope Brock at 519-235-2610 or You can also download the guide below.

Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide to the Lake Huron Watershed

This guide targets rural non-farm landowners in Huron County and the Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Watersheds that extend outside Huron County. The guide is available by attending a workshop. To find out about upcoming workshops contact Hope Brock at 519-235-2610 or You can also download the guide below.

This guide was first published in 2007. In 2011, the University of Guelph initiated a project to update the Guide with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Visit the website below to download the most recent version and learn about these updates.

To find out more about the Rural Landowner guide and the possibility of delivering it in your area, contact Dr. Wayne Caldwell at the School of Rural Planning and Development, University of Guelph: 519.824.4120 xt.56420 or

The Maitland