It’s in our nature: BioBlitz 2016 results


Thank you to everyone who joined us for the BioBlitz on June 25th at Ontario Nature‘s George G. Newton Reserve.  It was a hot day, but beautiful tromping around the woodland looking for plants and critters.  The hiking paths had been cleared this spring by the Huron Fringe Field Naturalists, who steward the property.  In the morning we split into two groups: a group looking for plants, and another for reptiles and amphibians.

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Young naturalists take turns holding a salamander.

In the afternoon Tom Lobb, a local naturalist and member of the HFFN, led us on a butterfly walk.

Through our efforts, we identified:

  • 14 species of butterflies
  • 3 species of frogs and toads
  • 1 species of salamanders
  • 10 species of birds
  • 20 species of trees
  • 50 species of wildflowers, vines and shrubs

That’s a total of 98 species!

Photo by Shane Hesch
Photo by Shane Hesch

Thank you for helping us increase our knowledge about this ecologically diverse property.  The information collected on Saturday will help inform the future management of the property.

All sightings of amphibians were submitted to Ontario Nature’s Reptile and Amphibian Atlas, which will help fill knowledge gaps of the distribution of frogs, toads, and salamanders in Huron County.

We were pleased to partner with Ontario Nature on this great event.  Thanks again to the leaders and volunteers that made this event a success!

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Hosted by Huron Stewardship Council and Ontario Nature staff.
George G. Newton Reserve is a great place to hike. Be sure to watch out for poison ivy! Photo by Rachel White
George G. Newton Reserve, located at Kitchigami Road and Porter’s Hill Line, is a great place to hike. Be sure to watch out for poison ivy!